I have two strings to my bow
I have two strings to my bow
The BeingwithSpirit.com is all about Seeing, Hearing and Being with Spirit in your life. Spirit comes under many categories, God, The Divine, Angels, loved
ones that have passed, and Enlightened or Ascended Masters. These include Jesus, Mohammed, any patron Saint, Buddha and many, many more. There is
jewellery and a book.
The other page is more about your physical and mental health. As a naturopath and an Ortho-Bionomist I have many skills to help you back to good health for you.
Why me?
I have over 20 years experience in the health industry, as a naturopath and Ortho-Bionomist (Someone described this as Osteopathy and Reiki, that’s pretty close ) I have also had a long learning journey to help people get the best out of their lives, including dealing with Stress, ill health, and dis-ease of the mind, (anxiety, phobias and many more).
- Reduce stress
- Relieving and releasing pain.
- Increase clarity, productivity & efficiency
- Make useful, happier, healthier decisions
- Experience more acceptance, love and compassion.
About me
Hi, I'm Tiffany Beese
I am a naturopath, nutritionist, Ortho-Bionomist ® and provide Akashic Records readings. I can bring balance and wellbeing into your everyday life by:
- Relieving and releasing pain and stress.
- Identifying disfunctions in your body and rebalancing you, so that you are ready for everyday life.
- Make useful, happier, healthier decisions.
- Experience more acceptance, love and compassion.